
As a team project to design a low-cost practical solution to revitalize and beautify alleyways I worked with my colleagues Wes Kinkof and Hassib Jordan and members of a community in San José, Ca., we designed a way for people to gather and create a safer neighborhood.




Community members emphasized that the degradation of the alleyways was a major area of concert. (Below)



brainstorming with the community 

We helped generate ideas with people in the community to develop a solution that leverages the alleyways as vertical gardening space.


These sketches were done by community members to help us see what they were envisioning. 



concept GENERATION + prototype

Low-cost solutions were critical to implementation. Concepts were based on reused materials from within the neighborhood / local factories like crates, tires, burlap etc.


With the communities interest, we decided to purse a concept that was based on a vertical garden that had silt openings for plants.



One of the major contributions I had on this project was to design the visual language of the slits that would house the plant pockets.



The build

Materials consisted of an up-cycled pallet as the framing, rain gutters for soil containers, a circulating water system via a solar powered pump and two buckets as a water reservoir.


full scale final model 


Vert provides a low cost solution ($150) to beautifying alleyways and can grow providing herbs and vegetables for a community. This design can be easily elongated by adding more pallets to create a patterned wall.